Quỹ Phát triển khoa học và công nghệ Quốc gia

Call for applications: Short-term research fellowship in the UK under the NAFOSTED – UK Academies collaboration programme

In 2016, the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) and both the British Academy (BA) and Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) signed a collaboration framework to execute Phase 2 of the “Researcher mobility grants’’. In accordance with this framework, the Vietnamese scientists working in the fields of Natural sciences, Engineering, Social sciences & Humanities will have opportunities to undertake short-term (from one to six months) research in the UK with funding from NAFOSTED. In parallel, funding from the UK Academies will allows Vietnamese and UK scientists in these fields to take part in a two-way exchange to work both in Vietnam and the UK in the same year. The Newton Fund in Vietnam has allowed these collaborations between NAFOSTED and BA, RAEng to take place. .

The NAFOSTED application process, for the first intake,  is  open  from , the 17 April 2017 to the 16 June 2017. Details on submission guidance are  below:

A. Application:

Vietnamese scientists are invited to submit applications to NAFOSTED in compliance with NAFOSTED’s relevant regulations for activities of enhancing the national science and technology capacity, including:

a) A request for fellowship grant verified by current employers (organizations) (NCNLQG 06);
b) 2 reference letters (NCNLQG 07). Scientists writing reference letters must possess similar expertise, hold  a PhD and publish relevant research outcomes in prestigious international journals within the last 5 years (regarding the application deadline);
c) Letters of collaboration written by the foreign scientific and technological partners or mentee acceptance letters written by the foreign scientists working in the same research fields. The letters must clearly outline the research locations, time and fellowship/research directions and obligations to pay incurring expenses;
d) Statement of research application that will be conducted at a foreign scientific and technological organisation and approved by the foreign partner’s scientists (including objectives, impacts, need for fellowships, substance, methodology, research plan and possible outcomes). The statement must highlight the impacts of fellowship grants towards science and technology exchanges and international integration in order to enhance the applicants’ professional competencies;
e) Science CV of the applicant (NCNLQG 02);
f) All requisite certifications in accordance with regulations stated in Circular No. 09/2015/TT-BKHCN of 15th May 2015 governing regulations of administering activities of enhancing science and technology capabilities funded by NAFOSTED;
g) Budget estimate which clearly states all expenditure covered by the foreign partner (if applicable) (NCNLQG 08).

B. Criteria:

– Merit of research statement;
– Professional competencies of the applicants and foreign partners in consideration of post-fellowship outcomes;
– Impacts of the fellowships on, enhancing the applicants’ professional competencies and promoting collaborations in scientific research.

Note: Applications sent to NAFOSTED must be titled “Application for NAFOSTED – The UK Academies collaboration programme”. Applications without the above title will be excluded from this call.

Scientists participating in the NAFOSTED’s collaboration programmes can remove or edit research topics in application statements or reference letters.

Applicants must submit printed applications to NAFOSTED at: NAFOSTED Office, No. 39, Tran Hung Dao street, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi. Applications sent by post before the deadline will be acceptable, otherwise, denied.

Find details of conditions, support and other information related to activities of enhancing the national science and technology capacity here.

More information about the UK Academies: http://www.britac.ac.uk, http://www.raeng.org.uk

Contact point:
Ms. Hoang Thanh VAN, International Collaboration Officer
Email: vanht@most.gov.vn; Tel: 04. 39367750 (ext. 503)

* Vietnam-Newton Fund is a collaboration programme to promote science and innovation development between the Government of Vietnam and the Government of UK in 7-year term (2014-2021). “Research exchanges between Vietnamese and UK scientists” programme is also supported by Newton Fund.

Author: VanHT

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