Within the framework of the Grant Program of Basic Research in Natural Science, the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development announces the funding plan for 2012.
1. Objectives:
1. Objectives:
- Build a durable, innovative and conducive environment to natural science research activities at universities and institutes
- Improve the research capacity of young scientists and establish research centers that meet international standards and develop high-quality human resources in natural science
- Enhance the quality of scientific research and increase the number of Vietnamese research published in ISI-covered journals.
- Promote international cooperation and integration in basic research and scientific research in general.
2. Scope of funding:
Basic research in Mathematics; Physical sciences and astronomy; Chemistry; Computer sciences; Mechanics; Life sciences; Earth sciences and interdisciplinary sciences.
3. Eligibility of applicants:
All scientists affiliated with universities, research institutions of science and technology in Vietnam that meet following requirement:
a. Principal Investigator:;
– has appropriate expertise, is doing research at an organization of science and technology. In the case that the project leader is not affiliated to any organization, he must be sponsored and approved by a reputable organization in appropriate field;
– has research capability that meets the demands of the project: he must have Ph.D degree or be associate professor or professor, have appropriate research results published in ISI-covered journals in the period of 5 years prior to the application submission date;
-must not violate the criteria to register as princiapl investigator: Principal investigator of funded project that is evaluated as not-passed or ceased research contract cannot register to lead a research project in 24 months from the date of result announcement.
b. Members of research team: have expertise and ability appropriate to the project content; participating research students must have thesis suitable to the project content
a. Principal Investigator:;
– has appropriate expertise, is doing research at an organization of science and technology. In the case that the project leader is not affiliated to any organization, he must be sponsored and approved by a reputable organization in appropriate field;
– has research capability that meets the demands of the project: he must have Ph.D degree or be associate professor or professor, have appropriate research results published in ISI-covered journals in the period of 5 years prior to the application submission date;
-must not violate the criteria to register as princiapl investigator: Principal investigator of funded project that is evaluated as not-passed or ceased research contract cannot register to lead a research project in 24 months from the date of result announcement.
b. Members of research team: have expertise and ability appropriate to the project content; participating research students must have thesis suitable to the project content
4. Funding Procedure:
- Receive applications: from 8:30am on 02/04/2012 to 16:30 on 25/04/2012
- Review and classify application: 5/2012
- Evaluate and select application: 5/2012 – 6/2012
- Announce selected proposals: 7/2012
- Complete the application and sign contract: 7-8/2012
- Issue grant: 8/2012
5. Grant application
- Application form
- Document Checklist
- Research proposal (Form M2, M2e)
- Curriculum vitae of Principal Investigator and members (Form OMS)
- Proof of research results ( copies of 02 scientific publications in the last 5 years )
Complete project proposal must be sent to NAFOSTED Executive Office under two formats:
- Hard copy: 03 copies of research proposal in Vietnamese (01 original version certified by the leading organization and 02 copies) and 01 copy of research proposal in English
- Electronic copy: use Online Management System – OMS to create and submit the application. After signing in, click on “Create a new application” and follow the instruction.
- The supported documents (papers published in ISI journal, patent…): only 01 copy not to be bound with the application.
6. Application should be sent to:
Administrative Department
National Foundation for Science and Technology Development
5th floor, 38 Ngo Quyen, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi
Tel: (04) 39367750
National Foundation for Science and Technology Development
5th floor, 38 Ngo Quyen, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi
Tel: (04) 39367750
7. Remarks:
- Applications sent after 16:30 of 25/04/2012 will be kept for the next round of selection.
- According to the Decree 14/2011/QH13 on state budget forecast, from 1/5/2012, the minimum salary will be 1 050 000 VND/month. The principal investigator should prepare the expense forecast based on this new minimum salary.
- Scientists having funded projects terminated before 06/2012 can submit application in this term.
- The valid host/sponsor organization must be a scientific and technological organization with independent legal status, have its own seal and account at the State’s treasury.
- One original application must be sealed and reproduced in 2 copies.
- The application must strictly follow the Foundation’s regulation. An incomplete application will not be considered. If possible, the Foundation will have the English application evaluated by foreign professors (peer review) before sending it to the Scientific Committee.
- Scientific CV (hard copy) must be signed by the author and quote the ISSN index of each international publication.
- Expected research results must be distinct for national and ISI-covered journals.
- Vietnamese participant working abroad for over 6 months is credited for maximum 3 working months of that same year.
Source: nafosted