Quỹ Phát triển khoa học và công nghệ Quốc gia

Application reception of basic research projects in natural science in 2012

On April 25 2012, the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development has closed the reception of grant applications in basic research into natural science for 2012. Total applications received consist of 386 projects:
Mathematics 20 applications
Information Technology and Conputer Sciences 42 applications
Physics 82 applications
Chemistry 77 applications
Earth Science 25 applications
Life Science 104 applications
Mechanics 36 applications

From 2012, the NAFOSTED provides the Online Management System (OMS) to receive applications. The OMS allows principal investigators to send soft copy of their application, update scientific CVs and check for status of their application. It also serves as a database management for the Foundation’s officers.
The Foundation expects to start the selection process in May-June 2012 and will announce results at the end of July 2012.

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