Within the framework of the visit of Belgian delegation, lead by Crown Prince Philippe, on March 12 2012, Mrs. Veronique Halloin, Secretary-General of the National Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S-FNRS) of Belgium, has visited the NAFOSTED.
The F.R.S.-FNRS is a key player in fundamental research in the French Community of Belgium. With the mission “To contribute to the development of a competitive knowledge society by supporting researchers and their initiatives and disseminating scientific research”, the F.R.S-FNRS issues funds mainly to PhD students and post-docs in the fields of natural science, social sciences and humanities and life sciences. Like NAFOSTED, the F.S.R-FNRS also has other funding programs in basic research and support activities (organizing, participating in conference/workshop outside Belgium, publications…). The selection process is controlled by 14 Scientific Committees; each has 6 experts from Walloon-Brussels region and 9 international experts.
At the meeting, Mrs. Veronique Halloin and Ms. Do Tien Dung,Acting Director of the NAFOSTED have talked about the funding programs, activities and recent achievements of their organizations. To conclude the meeting, they both expressed the wish to start collaborating in the near future with focus on young scientists.