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National Foundation for Science and Technology Development host staff-exchange program with Research Council of UK

In the framework of the collaboration between National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) and Research Council of UK (RCUK), from 16-20 October 2017, NAFOSTED welcomed Dr. Helen Niblock, Senior Manager in Business and University Engagement of Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for a staff-exchange program in Vietnam. The program includes activities with the aim of sharing operational experiences to enhance mutual understanding and discussions on collaboration plan in the next phase of both sides.

Dr. Helen Niblock, RCUK

During the one-week program, Dr. Helen Niblock had several meetings with staffs in NAFOSTED Executive Office, Natural Sciences and Engineering Department and International Relation Division. In these meetings, Dr. Helen Niblock was introduced about NAFOSTED’s programs, operational mechanism as well as processes including project management, peer reviewer selection, proposal evaluation and monitoring using online management system. Besides, International Relation Division also presented to Dr. Niblock about NAFOSTED’s current collaboration and bilateral programs. In another meeting with all staffs from NAFOSTED Executive Office, both sides had a meaningful discussion on sharing experiences in management of funding program. To enhance understanding on the process, Dr. Helen Niblock also attended evaluation meeting for proposals in the first call in 2018 for the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities.

At the end of the program, Dr. Helen Niblock spent one day to visit and discuss with Newton Fund Management Team at British Embassy in Hanoi and Central Institute for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (CRES), Vietnam National University, a host institution of joint research project funded by NAFOSTED-RCUK joint funding program.

After the one-week program, Dr. Helen Niblock shares expectation that in the near future, NAFOSTED and RCUK will continues to strengthen the current collaboration with more successful calls and activities.

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