Quỹ Phát triển khoa học và công nghệ Quốc gia

Projects under the NAFOSTED – FWO bilateral cooperation program funded in 2023

According to the Decision No. 12/QD-HDQL-NAFOSTED dated in May 23rd 2023, 5 projects under the NAFOSTED – FWO bilateral cooperation program have been approved to be funded in 2023.

The list of funded projects can be found here.

The NAFOSTED Executive Office is processing for approvement of the fund for these projects and will soon inform Principal Investigators and Host Institutions. Time to sign the funded contract is expected in July 2023 ./.

In 2022, the NAFOSTED – FWO bilateral cooperation program received 23 applications which were prepared and proposed by Vietnamese and  Flemish research teams. The content of the proposals spans several different disciplines such as: Education, Sociology, Information and Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Earth and related Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Engineering, Medical Sciences. From January to April 2023, the proposals were eligibility checked by NAFOSTED and FWO and sent to international external reviewers. At the meeting on April 4th 2023 in Brussels, a Joint Scientific Council, consisting of scientists from both FWO side (50%) and NAFOSTED side (50%), had evaluated and proposed a ranking list of projects that can be funded. The funded projects must be approved by both NAFOSTED and FWO.

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