Previous workshops co-hosted by PMU, NAFOSTED and 2 banks in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city:
- Call for VIIP proposals – Round 2 (II/2015)
- Guidance on VIIP proposal preparedness
On 1st & 4th September 2015, NAFOSTED held 2 Guidance workshops on proposal preparedness for enterprises, and individuals with interest. The workshops provided more information on Vietnam Inclusive Innovation Project – VIIP and tips for better preparedness for proposers applying in round 2 (II/2015) or the following years’ rounds.

Until 31st August 2015, NAFOSTED received over 100 workshop registrations attending the workshop in Hanoi and over 100 registrations attending the workshop in Ho Chi Minh City through email registration. Most registers were representatives of Research Institutes, universities, enterprises, and individuals who are interested in VIIP. NAFOSTED – the host – also invited representatives from PMU, banks, expert groups who had performed critical reviews for VIIP awards of Round 1 (I/2015) and representatives of enterprise-associated organizations and so on.
There were over 130 people attending the workshop in Hanoi (on 1st September 2015) and over 100 people attending the workshop in Ho Chi Minh City (on 4th September 2015).

Mr. Le Dinh Tien, former Deputy Minister of Science and Technology, former NAFOSTED President and current VIIP Technical Committee President delivered speech on definitions of innovation, innovation application in VIIP and experience in proposal preparedness from Round 1 (I/2015), proposal selection and assessment criteria by the Technical Committee. NAFOSTED officers in-charge also provided detailed instructions on how to build a subproject presentation, prepare a strong proposal, build cost plan complied with the latest codified regulations of Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Science and Technology (Joint Circular No. 55/2015/TTLT-BTC-BKHCN).
By organizing workshops, we hope that individuals, organizations and enterprises have a better understanding of VIIP purposes, subproject categories (C1, C2, C3 and C4), criteria for strong proposals, and so on to prepare better and complete proposals applied for Round 2 this year (II/2015) and for the following years. As the time was limited, Technical Committee’s answers and our guidance have not been enough to fulfill questions and requirements of attendees, however, individual, organizations and enterprises can contact the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) for more information or instructions when preparing proposals.
NAFOSTED Guidance presented at the workshops can be found here:
VIIP proposal guidance
Cost planning Guidance