Quỹ Phát triển khoa học và công nghệ Quốc gia

Announcement on submitting reports in the field of social science

According to regulations on implemeting basic researches in the field of social sciences and humanities, funded by the National
Foundation for Technology and Science Development (NAFOSTED), the foundation suggests heads of approved themes in collaboration with organisations to submit mid-term report on their progress and results of the themes. The report aims to provide a basis for the foundation in the next round to fund the approved themes which were launched since 2011 and 2012.

The periodical projects’ reports including report on research results and report on the use of fund with attached sample is required to send to NAFOSTED in two forms:
– A soft copy sent to email: nafosted@most.gov.vn
– 03 hard copies certified by the organization chaired topics sent to the foundtation’s operating board at No. 39 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi ).
( NAFOSTED keeps 02 copies, 01 will be kept at the Science and Technology office of the themes’ management agencies)
– 01 copy of products sent to the foundation’s operating board or soft copy through email to administrative secretary

Heads of the approved themes are asked to send the reports before November 25 2013 to accelerate disbursement progress. In the course of implementation, please contact to the foundation at Tel: 04.3934.0411/ 04.3934.0555; email: nafosted@most.gov.vn.

Samples of the reports on results and the use of funds can be found in the notice of periodical reports on the subject of basic research in the field of Social Science and Humanities starting in 2011 and 2012 available in webiste: http://www.nafosted.gov.vn)

Our warmest thanks.
Download full text and sample reports here

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