Quỹ Phát triển khoa học và công nghệ Quốc gia

Call for applicants for 2017 NAFOSTED – FWO Bilateral Program

1. General Information
National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) and Belgium’s Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) has signed an Memorandum of Understanding on the delivery of a joint funding program for bilateral research projects of Vietnamese and Belgium researchers.
In this framework, time requirement for each research project shall be from 02 to 03 years. Research proposals to be funded must show strong partnership between Belgium and Vietnamese team, as well as necessity and good impacts for both Vietnam and Belgium.

2. Funding scope
Research projects in Natural Sciences and Engineering, Social Sciences and Humanities.

3. Fundings
Each side (NAFOSTED/FWO) shall spend 300.000 Euro per year to fund for joint research projects in this program. Vietnamese research team shall need to complete a cost proforma in accordance to the Joint Circular No. 55/2015/TTLT-BTC-BKHCN dated on 22 April 2015 by Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Science and Technology Guiding levels of estimates, allocation of estimated funds and expenditure statement on scientific and technological tasks with funds from state budget and Joint Circular No. 27/2015/TTLT-BKHCN-BTC dated on 30 December 2015 by Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Science and Technology regulating funding allocation for conducting scientific projects using state budget.

4. Application
Vietnamese and Belgium scientists must submit research proposal at the same time to their own foundation. Eligible proposals are those that were jointly developed by both teams and timely submitted to both foundations. Application forms for Flander scientists can be found on FWO website at www.fwo.be.

For Vietnamese scientists, application must include:

– Application form (Form F1, F1e – to be completed in online system)
–  Research proposal (Form F2, F2e). Download here.
– Scientific Curriculum vitae of Principal Investigator and research team members (Form F3, F3e – to be completed in online system)

a/ An electronic copy must be submitted onto NAFOSTED’s OMS. OMS’s User Guidance can be found here. The system will be opened for submission from 20 March 2017.
b/ A hard copy (with application form and scientific CV downloaded and printed from OMS) must be submitted to NAFOSTED Executive Office at below address:
National Foundation for Science and Technology Development – 39 Tran Hung Dao St., Hanoi (Please clearly state on the envelope: Application for 2017 NAFOSTED – FWO Bilateral Program).

Application deadline: 01 June 2017 (Thursday)

 5. Proposal Evaluation
Projects to be funded must meet the scientific requirements as well as other current requirements of NAFOSTED and FWO.

Evaluation criteria:
– Appropriateness (in the fields funded by NAFOSTED and FWO);
– Novelty and Creativity;
– Comprehensive research objective and plan;
– Appropriate research methodology;
– Feasibility;
– Research capacity and achievement (at international level) of research teams;
– Necessity of collaboration between Vietnamese and Belgium teams;
– Appropriateness of requested funding.

Research proposals shall be assessed by scientific joint panel assigned by NAFOSTED and FWO, taking into account scientific reviews from independent experts.

6. Estimated timeline
– 06 March 2017 to 01 June 2017: Call for application
– June to October 2017: Eligibility check and peer review.
-​ October to November 2017: Meeting of scientific joint panel.
-​ December 2017: Financial assessment.
-​ January to February 2018: Contract signing.

Guide for applicant can be downloaded here. More information for Belgium side can be found at FWO website (www.fwo.be).

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