Quỹ Phát triển khoa học và công nghệ Quốc gia

Opportunity for Researcher Links Travel Grants 2014 closed by 30 September 2014

(Note for applications from NAFOSTED funded projects: Successful proposals for British Council Travel Grants can be considered for NAFOSTED support funding)

This is a reminder on the British Council Call for travel grants under Research Links initiative, which will be closed by 30 September 2014.

The Researcher Links initiative, delivered under the Newton Fund*, will encourage international research collaboration between ambitious researchers from the UK and key partner countries around the world. The programme, ‘British Council Researcher Links’ provides opportunities for early career researchers from the UK and partner countries to interact, learn from each other and explore opportunities for building long-lasting research collaborations. The Higher Education International Unit is a partner in co-delivering Researcher Links under the Newton Fund.

The Researcher Links initiative was first launched in Vietnam in February 2014 attracting almost 100 UK and Vietnamese early career researchers in the area of Telecommunication and Biotechnology. Following the workshops, 28 travel grants were provided to support UK and Vietnam early career researchers to conduct the one-to-three month visits to institution counterparts for further research either in the UK or in Vietnam.

As part of the global call, we would like to encourage early career researchers in Vietnam and from its partners in the UK to propose an international research placement.  Researchers that reside in the UK can apply for funding to spend up to 3 months at a university or research institution in Vietnam, and those residing in Vietnam can apply for funding to come to the UK.

The call guidelines and application form can be found at www.britishcouncil.org/education/science/current-opportunities/travel-grants-2014

For more information about the call in Vietnam, please contact Ms Giang Nguyen, Higher Education Manager at Giang.Nguyen@britishcouncil.org.vn

*The Newton Fund is a £375 million fund (£75 million a year for 5 years starting 2014/15).  Through the Newton Fund, the UK will use its strength in research and innovation to promote the economic development and social welfare of partner countries. By working together on bi-lateral and multi-lateral programmes with a research and innovation focus, the UK will build strong, sustainable, systemic relationships with partner countries. 

In Vietnam, £2 million per year of the UK fund could be available for collaboration under three strands: People, Research and Translation.

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