Quỹ Phát triển khoa học và công nghệ Quốc gia

Announcement on call for applications for post-doc support program in natural sciences and engineering

National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) would like to announce call for applications for post-doc support program in natural sciences and engineering in 2019 in the framework of the Support Program to enhance national S&T capability as regulated in Circular No. 09/2015/TT-BKHCN dated on 15 May 2015 by the Minister of Ministry of Science and Technology (https://nafosted.gov.vn/van-ban-do-bo-ban-hanh/).

1. Supported items and cost-norms:

  • Direct travel expenses to the host institution for post-doc study and vice versa (one-time support for applicant who is not living in same province or city of the host institution for post-doc study);
  • Subsistence equivalent to labor wage of member participating in S&T project as regulated in Joint Circular No. 55/2015/TTLT-BTC-BKHCN dated on 22 April 2015 within less than 12 months.

2. Applying requirements:

  • Holding PhD and being the main author (first author or corresponding author) of at least one (01) article published on prestigious international journals within the last five (05) years from the date of submission (Look up for list of journals in Decision No.31/QD-HDQL-NAFOSTED dated on 30 March 2016: https://nafosted.gov.vn/van-ban-quy-ban-hanh/). Priority is given for young talented scientists who doesn’t belong to a state science and technology organization;
  • Being supported by a Vietnamese scientist for conduct post-doc research. The supporting scientist must fulfill the following requirements:

i) Being the main author of at least one (01) scientific article published on prestigious ISI journal within the last five (05) years from the date of submission;

ii) Not being guiding professor for the applicant in PhD training;

  • Being supported by a Vietnamese science and technology organization as host institution for post-doc study. The host institution must have sufficient facilities to execute the research, agree to allow the applicant to conduct post-doc research and to support the applicant with equipment at the organization for conducting the study. Priority is given for applicant whose host institution for post-doc study is not the same organization as for PhD study.

3. Result requirements for post-doc research:

  • Being the main author of at least one (01) article published on prestigious international journal with content relevant to the applied research orientation;
  • Other research results which acknowledge NAFOSTED’s support.


  • Researcher doing post-doc research can receive scientific labor cost paid by the supporting scientist using other legal financial sources;
  • In the case that the supporting scientist is also principal investigator of scientific project in various levels, and uses project budget to pay for labor cost, material cost and other relevant costs for the execution of the post-doc research, prestigious ISI/international article resulted from the post-doc research shall also be accepted as such project’s result.

4. Application for post-doc research support must include:

  • Registration form for post-doc research support using Form NCNLQG 04;
  • Scientific CV of the applicant for post-doc research using Form NCNLQG 02;
  • A photocopy of PhD Certificate;
  • Evidence for being young talented scientist who doesn’t belong to a state science and technology organization (if any);
  • Research proposal for post-doc study (clarify objectives, contents, methodology, research plan and expected results) with approval from the supporting scientist and host institution;
  • Support request from the post-doc supporting scientist using Form NCNLQG 05;
  • Scientific CV of the post-doc supporting scientist using Form NCNLQG 02

5. Information for submission:

Submission time: from 22 July 2019 to 12 October 2019

Submission address: NAFOSTED Administrative Office – R. 405, 39 Tran Hung Dao, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi.

For more details please contact: Mr. Vu Van Minh. Email: minhvv@most.gov.vn; Tel: 024 3936 7750 ext. 202.

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