Quỹ Phát triển khoa học và công nghệ Quốc gia

Deadline extension for 2019 first intake of UK fellowship grants following NAFOSTED – The UK Academies collaboration program

Because the application deadline for 2019 first intake of UK fellowship grants under NAFOSTED – The UK Academies collaboration program coincides with the Easter Holidays of some UK universities, National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) would like to announce the extension ofapplication submission to 06 May 2019 (Monday).

Researchers who are interested in the program can finalize their applications and submit to NAFOSTED following the new deadline.

Details on application documents and submission can be found in the call announcement at the following link: https://nafosted.gov.vn/en/call-for-applications-2019-first-intake-of-uk-fellowship-grants-following-nafosted-the-uk-academies-collaboration-program/

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