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RCUK-DIPI-TRF-NAFOSTED Research Partnerships Call: UK – Indonesia – Thailand – Vietnam Research Partnerships Call for Proposals 2016

The Research Councils UK (RCUK) and the Indonesia Science Fund (DIPI), the Thailand Research Fund (TRF) and the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) are pleased to invite applications to the UK – South-East Asia Research Partnerships Call 2016.

This initiative will provide funding for high-quality collaborative research projects between UK, Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese researchers which address the following topics:

  • Atmospheric Pollution and Human Health
  • Water Resources
  • Tropical Peatlands and Mangroves

The objective is to deliver significant 2-3 year research funding for internationally competitive and innovative collaborative projects between researchers from Indonesia, Thailand and/or Vietnam and the UK that will allow the pursuit of shared research interests, and which contribute to the economic development and welfare of Indonesia, Thailand and/or Vietnam.

Please note different Southeast Asian partners are taking part in different focus areas. Please see the chart below for clarification of which country is involved in each topic.

Country Partner Atmospheric Pollution & Human Health Water Resources Tropical Peatlands and Mangroves
Thailand TRF X X
Indonesia DIPI X X

Proposals within the themes listed above are welcomed from across the remits of the UK Research Councils.  Recognising the multidisciplinary nature of the thematic areas, the development of interdisciplinary collaborations is particularly welcome.

Applicants are invited to submit bilateral or trilateral/multilateral collaborative research proposals comprising eligible researchers from the UK, Indonesia, Thailand, or Vietnam. All proposals will be required to have a UK Principal Investigator, in addition to a Principal Investigator from one or more of the partner countries.

Consortia should consider how their proposal makes the best use of available expertise in the UK and Southeast Asia, the added value of collaboration and how the proposal will meet the requirements of each funding organization.

Online Networking Database

RCUK, in conjunction with the other funding agencies, will be creating and publishing an Online Networking Database to compile a list of UK and Southeast Asia Researchers who are interested in this call and in finding possible collaborators.

To give permission for your details to be included in this Online Networking Database then please complete the survey form available here: http://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/AQGUY/

Application process
Intention to Submit
In order to identify peer reviewers and convene assessment panels in advance, as well as to identify proposals intending to involve human or animal participation, researchers are required to indicate their intention to submit a proposal to this call. This should be done through completing the form listed in the Call Documents below to the RCUK Newton Fund team.

Please note that this should be submitted by 16:00 BST (22:00 WIB, 22:00 ICT, 23:00 PHT) Wednesday 13 July 2016 to RCUKNewtonFundEnquiries@rcuk.ac.uk.
If you missed the deadline please get in contact with the RCUK Newton Fund team at RCUKNewtonFundEnquiries@rcuk.ac.uk.

Please note:  the Intention to Submit form is not intended to assess or comment on the eligibility of a proposal or research team and should not affect or delay the creation and completion of your proposal on the Je-S system. After sending in your Intention to Submit, changes can be made to your full application (i.e. additional co-applicants can be added and strands of work can be amended) although any changes made to the involvement of human or animal participation should be sent to the RCUK office first.
RCUK – DIPI – TRF – NAFOSTED proposals must be submitted by the UK Research Organisation using the Research Councils’ Joint Electronic Submission system (Je-S). The call deadline is by 16:00 BST (22:00 WIB, 22:00 ICT, 23:00 PHT) Wednesday, 10 August 2015. Any applications received after this deadline will not be considered for funding

  • Call open in Je-S System – 09 June 2016
  • Closing date for proposals – 10 August 2016
  • RCUK-DIPI–TRF-NAFOSTED Joint Panel – early December
  • Decisions announced – January
  • Successful proposals withdrawn from NERC Je-S system by research offices and submitted to host council by remit – early January
  • Grants commence  – 01 February 2017

Call documents

If you have any questions or would like further information about the call, please contact:

Enquiries relating to technical aspects of the Je-S form should be addressed to:

Source: RCUK

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