Organization Chart

Board of Trustees:

The Board of Trustees with a five-year mandate is composed of seven members of scientists and administrators (including a President and two Vice Presidents), who are appointed by the Minister of Science and Technology based on recommendation of scientific associations. Following the Government’s priorities for science and technology development, the Board supervises and is responsible for the regulations, direction and planning of the foundation’s activities. Regular meetings, that at least two third of the members have to attend, are held every three months and extra meeting when special issues arise.


Tran Quoc Khanh
Chairman/Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology
Nguyen Quang Thuan
Bui Cach Tuyen
Phan Tuan Nghia
Nguyen Doan Thang
Nguyen Thi Thu Hien
Pham Van Truong Member

Executive Office :

The Executive Office of the foundation consists of the Executive Director, the Deputy Executive Directors, the specialists and the administrative staff. The Executive Director, appointed by the Minister of Science and Technology upon the recommendation of the Board of Trustees, is in charge of management activities, including human resources, assets and fund management, can participate in the Board of Trustees’ meetings but doesn’t have the right to vote. The Deputy Executive Directors are nominated by the Executive Director and appointed by the Minister of Science and Technology.
Reviewer and Scientific Committees:
The Scientific Committees are established as a task force to define appropriate research strategy, to judge and select funding proposals as well as to evaluate ending results of the projects with objectivity and transparency. These Committees are nominated by the Executive Director and appointed by the Board of Trustees.
The reviewers are highly-qualified experts in all fields related to the projects and must be fully responsible for their assessment. It is possible for foreign specialists and overseas Vietnamese to become reviewers if  recommended by the Scientific Committees.
Internal Auditors:
The Internal Auditors team is made up of three to five members, with a Manager and a Deputy Manager, having expertise in finance, banking, accounting and law. They inspect the execution of the foundation’s regulations and decisions, report to the Board of Trustees, consider the complaints of all individuals and organizations related to the foundation’s activities and submit them to the authorities.