Call for Proposals of Loan Program starting in 2013

The NAFOSTED is receiving applications for the loan program applicable to organizations of science and technology, businesses and individuals to execute projects that apply research results and emerging technology, which serve social, economic development. 1. Objectives:  To provide financial support (interest-free or low interest loans) for organizations of science and technology, businesses and individuals to execute projects that apply research achievements, new and emerging technology, which serve the improvement of quality, production efficiency , social and economic growth 2. Eligibility […]

Call for Proposals of Funding Program for Enterprise Support (according to Decree 119/1999/NĐ-CP) starting in 2013

The NAFOSTED announces the funding program for Enterprise Support  (according to Decree 119/1999/NĐ-CP) starting in 2013. The deadline to submit application is November 30, 2012. Application submitted after this date will be kept for the next selection round. I. Goal: To support enterprises to invest in science and technology research, new technologies to improve product quality and production efficiency II. Eligibility: All enterprises of all economic sectors operating under Vietnamese laws III. Scope of funding The Government encourages enterprises to […]

List of first round approval of “Basic research projects in Natural Science starting in 2012”

On Sept. 24 2012, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees approved for the first round the List of 202 basic research projects in Natural Science to receive funding since 2012 ((Decision 33/QD-HDQLQ). List of projects by subjects are as below (full list in vietnamese only): STT Subjects Number of funded projects (First round) 1 Mathematics 8 2 Computer Science & Information Technology 20 3 Physics 50 4 Chemistry 44 5 Earth Sciences 13 6 Life Sciences 46 7 Mechanics […]

Call for Basic Research Proposals in Social Science and Humanities in 2012

The National Foundation for Science and Technology Development announces the call for proposals in social science and humanities. Applications must be received at the latest at 16h30 on September 14 2012, applications received after this date will be considered in the next term. 1. Objectives: Build a durable, innovative and conducive environment to social sciences and humanities research activities at universities and institutes Improve the research capacity of young scientists and establish research centers that meet international standards and develop […]

Announcement of selected projects in Social Science and Humanity in 2012

Following the evaluation of the reviewers and conclusion of the Scientific Committees, the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development has approved 72 basic research projects in social science and technology to start in 2012 (List in Vietnamese only) The Executive Office has sent announcement letters to all principal investigators and host institutions of approved projects. In order to execute the projects, the principal investigators are required to complete all documents and send to the Executive Office at the latest […]

Announcement of the acceptance of funded projects in natural science that started in 2009

The Scientific Committees has held meetings from February 9, 2012 to March 5, 2012 for the acceptance of 129 projects of basic research in natural science that started in 2009 (excluding 36-month projects or extended projects).  The evaluation of project acceptance will be sent to the Principal Investigators of projects in the following list: Results of project acceptance Evaluation period: 09/02/2012 – 05/03/2012 Number of projects: 129 Code Name Principal Investigators Host Institute Result Note 1. Mathematics (44 projects) 1 […]

Call for Progress Report for Basic Research Projects in Social Sciences and Humanities launched in 2011

According to the regulation on the execution of basic research projects in Social Sciences and Humanities that received fund and started in 2011, the Foundation requires projects’ principle investigators and host institutes to submit the progress report and project results. The progress report, including report of research results and financial report, should be sent to the Foundation under 2 formats: Electronic copy sent to e-mail : Hard copy: sealed by the host institutes and sent to 38 Ngo Quyen, […]

Announcement of selected projects in the NAFOSTED-FWO grant program in 2012

The National Foundation for Science and Technology Development gladly announces the selected projects to receive funding from the NAFOSTED-FWO grant program in 2012: No Project Name Principal Investigators Host Institute Duration (months) 1 Taming metamaterials TS. Vũ Đình Lãm Institute of Materials Science, Vietnam Academy of Science & and Technology 24 Peter Lievens Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U. Leuven) 2 Reducing the burden of Pertussis disease in very young infants in different epidemiological setting by augmenting maternal antibody concentrations during pregnancy […]

Call for basic research propopsals in natural science in 2012

Within the framework of the Grant Program of Basic Research in Natural Science, the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development announces the funding plan for 2012. 1. Objectives: Build a durable, innovative and conducive environment to natural science research activities at universities and institutes Improve the research capacity of young scientists and establish research centers that meet international standards and develop high-quality human resources in natural science Enhance the quality of scientific research and increase the number of Vietnamese […]

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